I Accidentally Got My Sister Pregnant And We Aren’t Telling Anyone To Make Her Rich Husband Believe It’s His

Things are getting incesty up here and we don’t like it. Those are the perils of being on Reddit for too long. You read something you can never unread. Well, here it is. OP slept with his sister and went all ‘Game of Thrones’ about it.

He said the two of them were close growing up. Little did they know they were gonna get a lot closer than that.

He said that he was never attracted to her and never had any fetishes when it came to siblings either.

They went away for college and were away from each other for a while during which time his sister’s husband asked her to marry him.

OP however being a family-oriented person (and how) decided he needed to be near family.

He also added that his sister’s in-laws were extremely wealthy and were part of a large pharma business.

OP left to go back to college and would visit on holidays.

One time he decided to surprise his parents for their 30th anniversary and his sister picked him up from the airport. He would also stay at her house for the next five days.

They enjoyed the party, got drunk, and went back to her house soon after.

His brother-in-law had been unable to attend since he worked long hours and was already asleep by the time they got home. The two decided to sit and chat before turning in.

After a long conversation about life, OP left to go pee when his sister made an odd comment about his genitals.

OP felt awkward (So are we. Why are we still here? Just to suffer?)

OP then made a flirtatious remark back at her and the two started bantering with one another until they started making out.

One thing led to another and the two ended up sleeping together.

The two tried to laugh it off but the awkwardness was palpable. OP finally left and headed back to college.

Some weeks later, his sister reached out to let him know that she was pregnant. She was also sure that the baby was his.

OP was blindsided and the two even discussed abortion.

Ultimately, they decided that they would hide their dalliances from her husband and act like the child was his all along.

OP has since started drinking heavily and failing in college saying that the entire situation had messed him up.

Commenters were baffled by the entire post. Some could not get past the ‘accidentally’ OP had put into the title.

Another wondered why OP would even post this on Reddit.

Another tried to offer some sympathy.

The rest were just as freaked out as the rest of us.


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